Winter shots - 2016/2017

By Ojrza - 11:19

Here I wanted to share a batch or miscellaneous photographs I have taken during the winter period and I am exceptionally fond of them for some reason.  All urban shots were taken in Warsaw as I walked around between classes and projects, while all the nature shots are at my hometown Ciechanów. Wherever the dog is - that's definitely hometown.

Winter was kind of surreal for me, I was preparing for my erasmus and fighting all deadlines and exams. It all happened so quickly, i barely noticed when it was over and time has come to fly off to Denmark. I was relieving my stress keeping my tookapic up-to-date and tried to take photos on a daily basis despite the amount of work I had. Tookapic has taught me to take the camera in my bag wherever I go, it's like an addiction and I am very pleased I got into it at some point. I do reccomend this site for everybody who wishes to be more consequent in taking photos!

I have also bought my first analogue camera just a few days before departing, so its test drive was to be made in Denmark. It's a Praktica Super TL2, I asked my friend for advice when it came to the choice of brand and model since I had literally no knowledge in the analogue area.
Very, very excited I was about this new toy!

Actually, I already have two films developed and I am willing to share my shots here as soon as I lay my hands on a scanner.

Anyways, enjoy my winter digital shots!


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