Møns Klint - April 2017

By Ojrza - 07:56

Møn island was a high priority on our "to see in Denmark" list. It is located about 270 km from Horsens and there weren't any chances we could reach it by public transport so in a group of five people we rented a car for the weekend and drove there.

Road trippin' with my two four favourite allies, fully loaded we've got snacks and supplies...

We put up good songs to sing along on the radio and whooshed that tiny Ford all the way to 

We have gotten to the eastern coast of the island after approx. 3,5 hour drive. We left the car on a small parking and walked through some nice grasslands to finally reach our destination. At first we took a hike up. The views were just breathtaking. These white chalk cliffs are about 100-120m high and covered in dense forest on top, we walked a path on the edge of the cliff and admired the gorges and landslides. Judging from the photos I have previously seen on the internet I was convinced they would be smaller. The colours of the water and the greens are just so vivid we can't stop being amazed.

But then we descended a long staircase all the way down to the beach, which I think made an even greater impression. The rocky beach was quite narrow and having a 100m cliff hanging over your head... Hiked along the shore for a bit, though the beach ended and we climbed some high rocks to keep on going.

To be honest this is my favourite place I have visited in Denmark so far. What else can I add, stroll down for the pictures.





On our way back we stopped at the Egeskov castle. Unluckily, we were only able to see the exterior and the gardens.

Then we also made a stop in Odense to eat some fine italian quisine and enjoy the late afternoon.

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