Oaxaca (also known as Oaxaca de Jimenez) is the capital city of the mexican state under the same name. The city is located in the south of Mexico on the altitude od 1500 meters above sea level as it lies in Sierra Madre mountain range. It also lies on the famous panamerican highway, the road that supposedly runs through the full length of both North America and South America.
Oaxaca is a particularly abundant state when it comes to modern mexican and indigenous cultures, this area belongs to the Zapotec people which is a group that dates back to precolumbic times.
Right now it is a very colourful and rich in culture, I would dare to form a statement Oaxaca is to Mexico what Andalusia is to Spain, many stereotypes that are associated with this country are concentrated in this particular area, but maybe not in a such a straightforward way. All the colourful streets with cobblestones and with flags spread all over them, mountains peaking through the buildings and streets, some precolumbic ruins nearby, Mezcal, artisian markets with textils and FOOD! Food is a massive thing in Oaxaca, as it is home to Tamales and Mole as well as many other dishes.
It is also full of streetart and murals, it is a place where younger generations are combining the traditional culture with fresh new ideas and technology, it is for example not unusual to get specialty coffee or to come across a hipster restaurant or a culture center that is led by young people. It was a place where we just... felt good and safe. It had a really great energy.