Glasgow was days 2 and 3 of my Scottish trip. It was a brilliant decision to see Edinburgh and Glasgow one after another and see how utterly different characters they have. The capital, Edinburgh was monumental and full of historic charm where on the other hand industrial Glasgow has a much more modern and vibrant vibe. The Glaswegian accent was a challenge though, even if scottish accent is generally not unknown for me I sometimes struggled to understand what were people saying at all. Less tourists makes it seem to be a fantastic place to live - what was approved by my lovely hosts who stayed there for one semester of their Erasmus.
I always keep saying, that I don't need much encouragement to visit the UK. Scotland was on the top of my destination list for a tremendously long time, but I somehow never got to go because either I couldn't find any company for visiting the land of Nessie, or when I found company and made plans they were not finalised in the end. This semester, though, two of my university friends went to Glasgow for their Erasmus semester abroad. This is the wonderful thing about Erasmus, people travel and invite other people over to the place where stay. So I went!
Malmö was just a stop on our way back from Stockholm. After five hours of traveling by train, we have reached the city on an exceptionally beautiful sunny day.
12th of may is a national holiday in Denmark and it happened to be on friday which resulted in a long weekend. My friends and I wanted to take advantage of this and go somewhere at that time, we have checked tickets to Valencia, Milan, Budapest, but booked nothing as the prices for long weekend jumped high. Then... an idea came up to go to Stockholm by train. After all, from Copenhagen it was only 5-6 hours by a high speed train, so we thought why not?